Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Socioeconomics: The Cup that counts

India winning the ICC world cup is a moment that will be cherished and remembered for a long time to come.

This event will leave a big impact on the Indians and for sure can change the dynamics of sports in India and subcontinent. The Bhupathi Paes winning the finals and becoming top seeded in doubles was all lost in the news.

The hope that was materialized will provide new confidence to Indians and this for sure will reflect in the equity markets in times to come. As of now it would be difficult to quantify the impact.

The frenzy will continue to IPL and for sure the Media sector will all be flaring up.

The equity market did cheered with close above 5900 levels. Was it the Cup effect? It seems so.
The FII ownership at 18% (as of Dec 2010) is quite low and we Indians cheered to the news.

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