Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dow Theory Trigger: Transports at new 2 year high. Will Indu follow?

The Transport Index has made a new high of 2 year at 5000 levels yesterday. They have now surpassed the old May Highs.

The Industrials though are still  though are below their May Highs of 11452 levels. It is just 2% short of those highs.
It needs to be seen if the Indu makes a new high or the Tran gets pulled back as there have been many instances where this has happened.

My analysis says that it will make a new 2 year high as seen in the channel of the indices.
Both of them are in perfect channel from June 2009 lows and at present are at or below the mid line of channel.

This shows that there is ample room on the upside.

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